This post is written in Chinese. Maybe I will switch it to English, or new a post written in English later. (find another way to handle this: I will first write something in either Chinese or English, and translate it into another later) 这儿就是一些随手小记,不学术,只是待以后慢慢回味,找到那条成长的轨迹。不喜勿看,不喜勿喷。--09/07/2015
09/07/2015 00:54am --The Reason Why the Post "thoughts" Here
10/15/2015 01:25pm
I realized that one and a half months have passed since I thought I would start writing blogs/thoughts, and actually I haven't written anything. Though I do want to write down lots of thoughts and share with you. Life is so busy, working on several projects is hard, as well as preparing for graduate applications. Well, now, I won't expect I will write anything(thoughts) before I've done graduate schools applications (I might write some academic stuffs which are more or less related to my daily study/research life).
10/15/2015 08:47pm
下午学习的间隙无意中又看了看high school musical。就想到,很多时候当你兴高采烈和别人谈论一个东西,比如HSM,别人甚至不知道。即使你觉得它是那么有名,是你童年的回忆。但是想想,要不是那年老爸走进家门,带了一张HSM的DVD。那时 我只有它,看了一遍又一遍,好喜欢。 那个年代选择就那么多(虽然比起父辈,选择已经多了太多),自己价值观的建立以及喜好 除了自己的尚不成熟的过滤与筛选,似乎有很多来自礼物的影响了。别人送你了一本书,一张唱片,一张影碟。漫长的童年时光总有时间去细细品味。没有什么的时候,便什么都很珍惜。
Topics I would like to explore later:
-Functionalities of Friends cycle(Tencent Wechat), LinkedIn, Weibo, QQ Zones(Tencent QQ), Facebook, and even Twitter, Instagram, emails. Why we need/use (all of) them? (Personally, I think a major difference between Chinese and foreigners is how they take advantages of social networks.)
-Extraversion and Introversion, Outgoing person and Shy person.
09/07/2015 00:54am --The Reason Why the Post "thoughts" Here
10/15/2015 01:25pm
I realized that one and a half months have passed since I thought I would start writing blogs/thoughts, and actually I haven't written anything. Though I do want to write down lots of thoughts and share with you. Life is so busy, working on several projects is hard, as well as preparing for graduate applications. Well, now, I won't expect I will write anything(thoughts) before I've done graduate schools applications (I might write some academic stuffs which are more or less related to my daily study/research life).
10/15/2015 08:47pm
下午学习的间隙无意中又看了看high school musical。就想到,很多时候当你兴高采烈和别人谈论一个东西,比如HSM,别人甚至不知道。即使你觉得它是那么有名,是你童年的回忆。但是想想,要不是那年老爸走进家门,带了一张HSM的DVD。那时 我只有它,看了一遍又一遍,好喜欢。 那个年代选择就那么多(虽然比起父辈,选择已经多了太多),自己价值观的建立以及喜好 除了自己的尚不成熟的过滤与筛选,似乎有很多来自礼物的影响了。别人送你了一本书,一张唱片,一张影碟。漫长的童年时光总有时间去细细品味。没有什么的时候,便什么都很珍惜。
Topics I would like to explore later:
-Functionalities of Friends cycle(Tencent Wechat), LinkedIn, Weibo, QQ Zones(Tencent QQ), Facebook, and even Twitter, Instagram, emails. Why we need/use (all of) them? (Personally, I think a major difference between Chinese and foreigners is how they take advantages of social networks.)
-Extraversion and Introversion, Outgoing person and Shy person.